We've all been there, right? That moment someone suggests something really crazy and everybody laughs about it. Then someone says...'Well...why not?'

Well, I've bore witness to that over the last month or so. To let you understand, Glasgow 2014 were running auctions where you could either bid or buy directly items that were related to the Commonwealth Games. One such item that came up was the one of a kind statue of mascot Clyde that we affectionately dubbed UAC (Uniform & Accreditation Centre) Clyde.
We decided we wanted to leave a legacy from the volunteers. Something special. During the Games there was trail of 25 statues around Glasgow, one being placed outside the Yorkhill Children's Hospital. No one knew what was happening with the 24 (one was stolen!) so we decided that since Clyde brought smiles to kids of all ages, why not try and get this special one? And if not, the money raised would still go to the charity. So it would be a win-win situation.
There was another from the Village but UAC Clyde meant something to the volunteers: we all had to come into contact with him at some point before the Games. Heck, even the Queen met him! So at first it was the Clyde-Siders raising money for him, then Host City Volunteers...before we knew it, we had volunteers from all areas of the Games wanting to pitch in. And boy did they! Not even an international e-money service blocking an account twice could stop us. We were ready to bid on him when...he vanished from the site.

Worry not. The story goes that someone heard what we were trying to do, spoke to some others in Glasgow 2014 and they pulled him from the auction, and gave him to us! We were shocked. But this meant that the money that was raised to buy him would also be going to the hospital. Cue another furious round of selling personal items, some that couldn't be replaced.

On Sunday, it all came to a head. A large group of volunteers from all sections gathered in a car park nearby and then, piped in by some lovely musicians, we headed to the hospital to officially hand him over. And the money? We raised an astonishing £6060! It was such a lovely end to what was an amazing experience. And apparently the kids are already loving their 'Smile Generator'!
So there is something to make you smile given all the evil that we hear about these days. Hope that it restores a little faith in humanity!
Photos © Vhari Lannigan & Allan MacBain