Well...hasn't time flown? Doesn't seem like 2 weeks ago we were just getting the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow underway and now it's all over. Had you asked me back on the 28th February 2013 whether I’d be picked for the Games I’d probably have said no, never mind being offered a position as photo team member in press operations. Then again, if you’d told me last year I would be in LA, I would have said the same!
To think that the real journey only started back in March at the Orientation event at the Emirates Arena. Then it was all go! Seems it was no time at all until the opening ceremony… Or in my case, seeing the dress rehearsal!
Looking back, it’s all a little surreal with everything that’s gone on. Let’s start with the bizarreness of seeing athletes and officials getting on the trains, cycling in the streets. But after a few days of that, it seemed normal!
And now to the shifts. I'll admit that the first couple of shifts were a bit daunting but think that was because I didn’t really didn't know what to expect. But by the end it was all running smoothly. There wasn't really any difficulties, just learning how to balance what the photographers wanted but taking into consideration about those that had paid for tickets. Going to miss working with the lovely team mates :(
The medal ceremony music is now firmly ingrained into my mind having seen 7 medal ceremonies across the 11 days. I've been really surprised by how the spectators, no matter who the might have been there to support, got right behind every single athlete taking part and raised the roof several times (I'd hate to see roof repair bill lol) And it didn’t stop there. Even of the long journeys home people have been buzzing on packed trains. I don't think I've spoke to as many strangers in a while!
As for what else I got up to:
- I've taken photos for people (apparently being a photo team member means you can take pictures)
- Handed out free badges (thank you People Make Glasgow!)
- Been given a row by a kid for saying hello to other Clydesiders in passing on the train!
- Played tig in the SECC concourse (there's a phrase I never though I'd say.In my defence, the parent did involve me and we ensured we didn't cause a hazard! These were the Friendly Games after all)
- Been a walking information point
- Been Twitter support!
…and you guys thought all I was doing was looking after the photographers :)
My only regret is not being able to catch up with other Clydesiders outside of shifts. Feel I missed something there. But still, was a fantastic experience that I wish I could do it all again. Feels a little odd this week but think it’s got me wanting to volunteer more now.
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