So last week it was announced that BBC Three is set to become an online channel. I'm not going to lie, the announcement doesn't really surprise me. Over the last few years I'd say the quality that has been delivered on the channel has been variable.
When I look back across the years, you realise BBC Three has been home to some decent stuff. It was the original home of Gavin & Stacey, Little Britain & not forgetting of course a wee programme called Torchwood. There was documentaries that got you thinking (anyone remember Blood, Sweat & T-shirts that started Stacey Dooley's career?). Being Human (I remember seeing the pilot episode when it was part of a showcase on Three of new writers). In The Flesh. Russell Howard's Good News. And that's just what I can pull from the top of my head.
And then you can look at some of the other....questionable content. Snog. Marry. Avoid? Sun, Sex & Suspicious Parents (how many series does this need...and why do the participants not realise what's going on....after all the time?) And then there's the repeats. Repeats of Family Guy & American Dad (although they have lost the rights of these to rival ITV though the current series of Family Guy the BBC has moved to BBC 2 and something tells me they might be trying to get through it as quickly as possible), Top Gear (maybe no longer) & Eastenders (isn't that what the weekend omnibus was for?)
It's a shame too. BBC Three had all the potential there to be something for what is basically an unheard generation. But somewhere along the line, it's got lost. Occassionally it hits the right notes. But maybe it should take notes from Amigo loans and go back to the good old days. Time will only tell what's likely to happen when it moves online.
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